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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

That's Sad....

Mom, what does a destroyer do?
Well, it's made to blow things up.
No, what does it do?
It's made to blow things up.
No! WHAT does it DO?
( Obviously mom is now trying to determine just what the question really quasi not quite five year old teenager is getting very frustrated at not getting the answer to his question....)

Do you want to know why it blows things up?
Yes. Why?
Well, sometimes people fight each other.
With destroyers?
What happens to the other destroyers?
It gets blown up.
That's sad.....
Yes, honey, that is very sad.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I Want to Get a Baby

Mom, when I'm your age will you take me to Kazakhstan?
Oh you'll want to go before then.
Okay when I'm a big boy and almost adult will you take me to Kazakhstan?
Yes, when you are a big boy before you are adult we'll take you to Kazakhstan.
Ok. Cause I want to get a baby. I'd let him play with big boy Legos and stuff.
You would get a baby?
Uh huh. Maybe I'd get two.
What if you got a girl. Would you let her play with big boy Legos?
I don't know.
(Daddy steps in)
How would you take care of the baby? All by yourself?
No. I'd get me a mommy. Maybe someone I really like.
A girl?
No, probably T. He'd help me.
Not S or S?
No. I think T. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Interesting Things

I brought home a front page of a newspaper a few weeks ago for H. Summer school had a fireman visit and he mentioned a big fire that had just happened a few days earlier. I happened to see the picture of that fire in the paper. H loved the picture and took it to school to show everyone.

H asked me if I could bring home more newspapers so I brought him a couple last week. He didn't really pay much attention to them I didn't think. Saturday we were getting ready for a birthday party and H found a front page picture of a car and semi truck wreck.

Mom, what happened?
A semi truck and a car ran into each other. it was a bad accident but no one was hurt thankfully.
What happened? Look I can see the front of the truck. It looks like they were on the interstate at a bridge ( he knows his transportation modes and routes.)

Yes, they were on the interstate. I don't know what happened. The paper doesn't say what happened exactly. 
But why did the car and truck run into each other? Where were they going? Did someone do something bad? Did the truck hit the car? 

I don't know the answer to any of those questions. Most often the drivers don't really know what happened.
I'm going to cut the picture out and take it to show T today at the party. he would really like it.

(After the party)

Mom, I left the picture at T's house because I thought he would really like it. Yeah, I showed it to everyone.

(After supper)

Mom! No! Dad! Those are my papers! Mom, daddy put my papers in the fire .
Oh, I'm sorry honey I thought you were done with them.
No, they were my papers. 
I'm so sorry. Daddy didn't know and  I gave him the papers for the fire.
That's ok mom. I'm not mad. I'm not mad at you.
Well, I have more rappers at work. I get one everyday. I will bring some more home for you ok?
Ok. I just really like to look at interesting things. 

Mom, will you really bring me more papers?
Yes, honey. I apologize about the others.
That's ok mom, I'm not mad. I just like to see what's going on in the world.

Parental lesson of the day: never assume a pile of ignored papers has no value or interest to the person who is seemingly ignoring them but seems astute enough to tell that the pile is his pile from a distance of 20 feet or more as they are being wadded up for fire starter....AND be astounded that your not quite five year old really pays attention to the larger world around him....and then realize that of course he does...he has since he was a baby. Dumb mom moment.

Weighty Discussions Tonight

Mom, will you be dead when I'm seventeen?
I really hope not!
Well, seventeen is not that far away. 
Oh. When I'm seventeen I will be old but not old old old like Pop (who died at 83.)

Mom, I think WillHe is dead.
Yes, honey he got sick and couldn't get better.
No, no, no I mean Howie. I think he is dead now.
Oh, well, we always hope he found a family who said here's a great funny furry cat and we'd like him to live with us.
I think he is dead and he knows POp and WillHe.
Maybe buddy maybe.

Mom, I remember something.
You do? What do you remember?
Well, we were at our house and you were there but maybe it was a dream I don't know but I think it was real but maybe not but I remember Pop.
You do?
Uh huh.

Sidebar: H has only seen pictures of Pop because Pop died three weeks before we met our son. We didn't know if we could travel since he was so ill...maybe he did meet him and it was in a dream...who knows. Either way I'm sure Pop loves H. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Spelling Lessons


"I love you."

 Around here everything can be spelled with enough O,P,S,T's and the occasional V.

Me, too, Buddy, Me, too....

Mommy, I could hug you forever.