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Monday, March 24, 2014

When I Get Big

Mom, I know why the dinosaurs died. 
They boomed up.
They did?
Uh huh.
Well, we don't really know why but we think a big meteor crashed into earth and changed the climate.
What's a big meteor?
A big space rock.
What happened when it crashed?
We think it crashed and exploded. 
Mom, that's why the dinosaurs boomed up they got caught by the sun.
Did you know the sun is a big ball of fire?
It is!?
Mom, when I get big and grow up to be a spaceman, I'm going to go up and look for cracks.
Are you expecting cracks in space?
No. I'm going up to look down for cracks.
Oh, you're going to go up in space and look down on earth for cracks?
Yes. And when I grow up and get big I'm going to dig real deep in the cracks and find HUGE dinosaur bones.
Some day you just might buddy, someday you might.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trying to figure it all out....

Why butterflies die ' for us?

Mom, will Grandma die?
Yes, some day.
Mom, is Grandma quite old.
No, not really.
Is Grandma a little old?
Yes, she's a little old.

How Do You Get...

a baby in your tummy? Do they swim?

Well, a baby does swim in a mommy's tummy.
That's how they live in a mommy's tummy until they are born - in fluid - swimming.
Long long long long ago did you have a baby in your tummy?
No, I didn't have a baby in my tummy.
NO! Were you a baby in a tummy?
Yes, I was a baby in Grandma's tummy long ago.
That's where babies live.
But how?
Well, a mommy and a daddy make a baby in a tummy.
It's a special magic
What kind of special magic?
Oh just magic.
I wish I had that special magic.