Now, I have felt that we moved to a decent sized town. In hindsight it may be smaller than I really thought. I have accepted the fact that my clothing options are limited and that I lost my beloved used/thrift stores but since H has many clothes until size 8 that only cost a dollar or so, I was willing to forgo those weekly fixes. I have come to realize and accept that shopping for myself is limited by the turn around time for restocking. After holiday shopping was absolutely no fun as the stores here had very little stock! Okay, maybe it will save me money in the long run. Besides, I have a two year - all boy - boy that absolutely hates to clothes shop so it's not like I would have time anyway.
I could have tried to finagle a road trip to the BIGer city but it would have had to entail going with Hubs and son....two of the worst shopping companions ever. So, I respectfully reserved my next shopping trip to be in favor of something more curtains or if I want to really live it up, shoes.
I am also willing to look for things on the internet out of laundry baskets. Afterall, I had a well known name brand pretty basic basket, how difficult can it be to just order some online from say Amazon? Turns out VERY!

I was starting to get my right brain working on how to build some kind of frame to which I could attach my other nets to create a homemade project. Alas, see previous post on likelihood of that getting accomplished.
So, after indulging my obsessive need to compare the (scant) options, I came across a site that had them listed for $11.99!! Finally, my dogged research was paying off! I love a good price on an item truly desire to own. Whilst adding gleefully to my online cart I decide to check on the cost of S&H. Imagine my surprise when S&H costs MORE than the baskets. It must be noted that the baskets are shipping hundreds of miles and not from some big warehouse/distribution center AND it is only shipped FedEx. Seriously?
However, taking one for the team (and cutting into that idea that our cost of living is supposed to be at least 6% less here), I bit the bullet, hit the submit button and quietly surrendered the fact that I cannot just run all over town and keep taking things back AND I do not want this to be another drawn out project. All in all, though, I finally ended up paying per basket about what an expensive one from the previously visited retailers would have charged me including the nice surcharge for the privilege of living in the great state of TX (again just pointing out this does eat into the lower cost of living concept).
I must admit the shipping time was awesome though.