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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't Touch Ever!

Life has been so hectic around here for the last several months. H is growing like crazy and saying and doing more everyday. I have a few moments I will share eventually but for now....can I just say if you've had a bad day you really need to talk to a 3.5 year old. His/her perspective is quite refreshing and on my goodness so hilarious....

Before going to sleep (not actually bed time since this is the get up and go potty routine and come into the room to talk to mommy before actually laying down once and for all for the night):

Mommy, I'm going to lay (as in actually laying an egg since we have been reading about birds, turtles, and crocs laying eggs) Pink Duckie egg right here. DON'T TOUCH EVER! (as an echo of what we say about the island cook top which is way too accessible...)

Okay, H (snort) I won't.

Mommy, why you laughed?

Oh, I just coughed. Good night buddy.

He didn't seem to believe me but it sure made my night (which I seriously needed.)

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